
Through Physical Education at Gusford, we intend that every child leads a healthy and active lifestyle that transpiresinto adolescence. Mental health and physical well-being are areas that we aim to positively impact by providing inclusive, broad and a varied range of sporting opportunities both internally and externally. We aim for every pupil to become technically proficient and to engage in both competitive and non-competitive sporting opportunities.


All classes take part in 2 hours of National Curriculum PE per week.

There are many other ways our physical activity time is enhanced:

  • Break and lunch time play equipment
  • Active sports sessions during break and lunch times (where and when appropriate)
  • Commando Joes
  • Residential/non-residential educational visits
  • A wealth of extracurricular opportunities including competitive and non-competitive opportunities both internally and externally.

As outlined in the National Curriculum, we teach dance, games and gymnastics at Key Stage 1. In Key Stage 2, we teach dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and water safety, Outdoor activities and athletics.

At Gusford we use a variety of teaching and learning styles in PE lessons. Our principal aim is to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of a range of sporting or physical activities. We do this through a mixture of whole class teaching or individual, pair or group activities. Teachers are able to recognise good examples of individual performance as models for the other children. We encourage children to evaluate their own work as well as the work of other children. Within lessons we give children the opportunity both to collaborate and to compete with a variety of resources.

In all year groups children have a wide range of physical ability. We provide suitable learning opportunities for ALL children by personalising the curriculum intentions to meet their needs. As a result teachers might:

  • set common tasks that are open-ended and can have a variety of results (e.g. timed events, such as an 80m sprint)
  • set tasks of increasing difficulty, where not all children complete all tasks (e.g. deep-water swimming)
  • group children by ability, and setting different tasks for each group (e.g. masterclass provision, SEND Panathlon)
  • provide challenge through the provision of different resources (e.g. different gymnastics equipment).


It is recognised through Government findings that obesity can be a serious and challenging issue throughout the UK. Studies suggest that that can be an issue from an early age. For example, 22% of reception aged pupils in England are either overweight or obese and it is therefore before school age when this weight is gained. This issue alongside the greater isolation of some children throughout the coronavirus pandemic outlines the importance of sport and physical activity. Through the use of the P.E Sports premium allocated to the school to support our curriculum intent we will offer three key areas for pupils:

  • Opportunity - All children are to have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sports and physical activity. Thereis a sport for everyone!
  • Development - Pupils of Gusford are able to develop their skill set regardless of their personal ability.
  • Competition - Pupils can take part in sport at a competitive level. Intra, where the children will compete with other members of the school of whom they are familiar with. Inter school competition will enable pupils to compete at a local, regional or national level against other pupils outside of the school community.

In addition to these three fundamental areas of our curriculum offer we expand the accessibility of sport and physical education beyond core P.E lessons by also incorporating: Commando Joe’s, Swimming lessons and extra curricular clubs to provide opportunities for those who may not have access to these outside of the school community as well as represent our teams. Pupil voice initiatives are also important to enable children to have their own voices heard through the school council with ways to promote and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Ultimately, pupils will leave Gusford with great fundamental principles of sport and the impact it has on everyone’s lifestyle through meaningful and engaging experiences.

PE Documents

PE Heroes

PE Gallery